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21B2 remote-sensing data receiving and processing station based on mobile receiving post

The Skorpion remote-sensing (RS) data receiving and processing station can be based on mobile or stationary receiving post.

The Skorpion-4S remote-sensing data receiving and processing station is designed to receive and process information from a Resurs-P type remote-sensing spacecraft (S/C) and provide two-way service communications with a Russian remote-sensing data processing and S/C control center (hereinafter Center).

The station performs:

  • collection, analysis and synthesis of the requests from consumers to receive earth observation information;
  • generation of consolidated requests for using S/C resources and their submission to the Center;
  • receiving remote sensing data from a Resurs-P type S/C directly via a radio link within the Station’s radio coverage zone and its reconstruction in the digital image format;
  • visualization of the received images;
  • digital processing of images in order to improve their quality and deciphering properties;
  • real-time image interpretation and thematic processing, including the use of geo-information technologies;
  • development of information documents;
  • systemizing, storing and accounting for the information received;
  • exchange of auxiliary information with the Center via a secure service link.
Main characteristics
Frequency band for receiving data from RS S/C via a data link
Х, Кu
RS satellite data receiving rate, Mbit/s
Antenna mirror diameter, m
Antenna pointing angle range, deg:
± 270
5 to 85
Acquisition time, s
Amount of information received from RS S/C, GB:
per session
up to 25
per day
up to 160
Time to process information received from S/C per session, h:
standard processing mode
high-level processing mode
up to 24