Air defence systems
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Man-portable air defence missile system

Compactness. Mobility. Convenience of combat application.

Implementation of "fire-and-forget" principle, high survivability and stealth of combat operation.

High universality of the system allows you to launch missiles using:

launching mechanism;
"Dzhigit" support launcher;
"Strelets" set of equipment and launch modules (allow launching missiles from various mobile carriers);
"Komar" turret installation;
"Gibka-S" combat vehicle for the MANPADS squad.

"Igla-S" man-portable air defence missile system is designed to engage all types of visible fixed- and rotary-winged aircraft on head-on and pursuit courses as well as smal-sized air targets like cruise missiles around the clock under thermal and background noise.

Find out more about "Igla-S" MANPADS. tel.+7(495) 534 61 83 

Main characteristics