Air defence systems
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Air defence gun and missile system

Effective firing with missile and gun weapons.

Reliable engagement of low-altityde targets with the help of using a joint high-precision interference-free radar system of missile and gun weapons' guidance.

The air defence system takes on combat tasks independently or as a part of a unit in movement, short stops or when placed stationary in ant time of the day in any weather conditions. The system consists of tracked chassis with a rotating tower. The armored body protects the crew and equipment from the bullets and shrapnel.

"Tunguska-M1" is constructed for air defence of the ground forces and objects during different kinds of combat operations.

Find out more about  "Tunguska-M1".  tel.+7(495) 534 61 83

Main characteristics
Engagement range:
with missiles
from 2500 to 10000 meters
with gun wepons
from 200 to 4000 meters
Engagement altitude:
with missiles
from 15 to 3500 meters
with gun weapons
from 0 to 3000 meters
Speed of the target
up to 500 meters per second
Set up for combat
less than in 5 minutes
8 missiles and 1904 shells of 30-mm caliber
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