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Rosoboronexport to strengthen ties with prospective partners in South-East Asia
01.11.2013 Press release

Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, will present a wide range of defence equipment for all military services at the Tri-Service Asian Defence & Security Exhibition, Conference and Networking Event “Defence and Security 2013” to be held in Bangkok on 4-7 November 2013.

The greatest interest is expected to be taken in the Gepard 3.9 and Project 11356 frigates, Amur-1650 submarine, Podsolnukh-E over-the-horizon surface-wave radar, Yak-130 combat trainer jet and multi-purpose helicopters as well as BTR-80A armoured personnel carrier, a police version of the Tigr armoured car and several modifications of the BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle. A full gamut of Russian anti-air weapons, such as the Buk-M2E mobile and Igla-S man-portable air defence missile systems, also have great export potential for South-East Asia.

This year the exhibition will be attended by more than 300 official delegations from 25 countries. Special emphasis will be made on talks with Thailand partners. Military technical cooperation between Russia and Thailand was started in 2009 by delivering the Kalashnikov assault rifles for police forces and continued later by signing contracts for the procurement of the Mi-17V-5 helicopters and Igla-S man-portable air defence missile systems. In 2013 supplementary agreements to already signed contracts were concluded.

Rosoboronexport also plans to discuss projects for joint development and marketing of weapons and military equipment and setting up of licence production with major regional manufacturers.

"Nearly half of Russian arms exports go to the South-East Asia and Asia-Pacific region, but we are sure that there are still many growth areas, considering comprehensive plans of some states for armed forces modernisation. We are also prepared to vie for a few niches in new for us markets even against very strong competition. We have the required experience and, what's important, our equipment effectively performs most critical missions in harsh climatic and combat conditions. When it is really necessary, politics retire into the background", - said Viktor Brakunov, head of Rosoboronexport’s external relations department and head of the delegation to the exhibition.

At its stand Rosoboronexport will also present products of the Zlatoust machine-building plant, in particular the Kedr submachine gun. Besides this, the united exposition of Russia will include the Techmash research and production corporation and KBP Instrument Design Bureau.

Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of the Rostec Corporation, is the sole state-owned arms trade company in the Russian Federation authorized to export the full range of military and dual-purpose products, technologies and services. Rosoboronexport is one of the leading world arms exporters to the international market. Its share in Russia's military exports exceeds 80 percent. Rosoboronexport cooperates with more than 700 enterprises and organizations in the Russian defence industrial complex. Russia maintains military technical cooperation with more than 70 countries around the world.

The Russian corporation Rostec was established in 2007 with the purpose to render assistance to industries in the development, production and export of high-technology military and civil-purpose products. It comprises 663 enterprises grouped into eight holding companies in the defence industrial complex, and five holding companies in civil industry branches. The Rostec subsidiaries are located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation, and export their products to more than 70 countries worldwide.