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... positive and negative ions. ► Non-radioactive ionization source; ► Open database of substances with possibility of later extension; ► Rapid switching between vapor and trace detection modes. Handheld trace detector for explosives, narcotics and toxic chemicals. Bipolar ion mobility spectrometer Kerber-T is a perfect multi-mode threat detector. It can detect and identify tiny quantities of almost all kinds of explosives, most common drugs, toxic chemicals and chemical warfare agents. The detector ...

Modified: 30.03.2022
Path: Catalog

... in glass and transparent or translucent plastics bottles or containers and can also provide emergency response personnel and forensic agencies. ChemExpert detects and identifies explosives in liquid, solid and powder form, biological threat agents, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), chemical warfare agents (CWAs), drugs and narcotics, toxic solvents, nitro compounds, plasticizers, precursors, etc.

Modified: 16.07.2020
Path: Catalog
Kerber-T handheld detector

Kerber-T handheld detector Rosoboronexport's review on Kerber-T, a high-tech handheld detector of forbidden and dangerous substances. The device is used to check the territory, skin and clothes of people, cargo and luggage for traces of explosives, narcotics, chemical warfare agents and other life-threatening substances. More information is available on The product link: Like and subscribe for more videos on...

Modified: 29.06.2020
Path: Press service
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