Armas de infantería
Indoor simulator
The 9F700-1 indoor simulator is designed for simultaneous training of two grenade launcher operators in operating and firing RPG-7V grenade launchers, as well as for subsequent training to maintain and improve the acquired skills.
The simulator:
- generates training scenarios;
- simulates firing at targets in a background/target environment as part of performing training and control tasks by two trainees at a time;
- displays the flight of grenades and their bursts, reproduces sounds of own shots, grenade bursts with regard to the range to targets engaged, battle sounds;
- simulates smoke and battlefield obscuration;
- provides the possibility to search for targets, determine their dimensions, elevation, target range and type;
- simulates firing at targets in the background/target environment from all standard firing positions;
- records and displays the aiming and hit points;
- provides the possibility to determine the aiming point coordinates;
- calculates and displays the hit points with regard to the ballistic characteristics of grenades, initial conditions, weather conditions, and dispersion characteristics;
- provides control over trainees’ actions together with logging common errors;
- provides automated control and evaluation of the trainees’ performance with saving the training outcomes;
- creates a firing result database for each trainee with the possibility to record trainees and firing results for each trainee, provides data access to view the results of firing.
Principales características