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7.62mm Kalashnikov Assault Rifle

Great Performance Runs in the Family

The AK204 is a proper balance between size and firepower. It provides Special Forces, Infantry, Law-enforcement units with augmented mobility and sufficient combat power.

The 7.62mm AK204 is a short-barrel version, which suits perfectly, due to its size, the operators who use various Tanks, APCs, IFVs and other Armoured Vehicles on the battlefield.

The know-how implemented in this iteration augmented combat and tactical capabilities drastically. Picatinny rails made the AK204 extremely versatile as the operator can install the whole range of tactical equipment. Advanced technical solutions improved fire accuracy and barrel lifespan considerably.

Variety of ammunition in 7.62mm allows the operator to be combat ready and efficient while accomplishing missions, and as the AK204 is a short-barrel version the range of possible missions is pretty wide. Reliability has always been the salient feature of all the Russian-made AK iterations.

Main characteristics
Empty weight
3.6 kg
Sighting range
500 m
30 rounds