Special weapons and ammunitions
9 mm special assault rifle
Quietly engages the target
The use of different types of cartridges provides both high-precision shooting and engagement of targets wearing armor vests or located behind an obstacle (e.g. in a car).
Special rounds, a built-in silencer, and the moving parts design ensure silent and flameless fire. The assault rifle is fitted with a folding metal butt, and features small weight and dimensions.
All moving parts of the weapon are designed so as to provide for a maximum stability of the weapon. The trigger assembly provides for single-shot and full-automatic fire. The fire selector is behind the trigger.
The iron sights consist of a foresight and an adjustable rear sight. The assault rifle can be fitted with various optic and optronic sights.
The assault rifle fires 9x39mm SP-6 armor-piercing cartridges and SP-5 sniper cartridges fed from a 20-round magazine.
Main characteristics
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