Naval systems
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Coastal sea-surface and air reconnaissance system


The Monolit-B coastal sea-surface and air reconnaissance system is designed for long-range over-the-horizon active and passive radar search, detection and tracking of surface targets, for reception and processing of information on surface situation from external information sources (ships, helicopters, lookout posts), and also for generation and output of target designation data to anti-ship missile weapon control system.


  • searching, detection, tracking and classification of sea-surface targets by active radar;
  • over-the-horizon detection, classification, and determination of the coordinates of radiating radars, using the means of passive radar detection and ranging;
  • identification of surface targets' nationality based on the "friend-or-foe" principle;
  • automated acquisition, processing and display of the data on sea-surface situation received from the interactive objects and data sources;
  • generation and output of sea-surface situation and target designation data to the control systems of the coastal missile system;
  • operational control of own spatial position and that of the interactive objects then execution of a march to the assigned positions;
  • automated generation and transmission of clear and encrypted commands, signals and directives, and sea-surface situation data to the interactive objects using standard communication lines;
  • generation and transmission of sea-situation and targeting data to the interactive objects using mutual Data Exchange and Oriental Radar (DEORdr).
Main characteristics
Range of sea-surface targets detection with ARdr, km:
under normal propagation conditions with antenna positioned at height of 9-12 m above sea level
with driven waveguide available
under superrefraction conditions
up to 250
Range of sea surface targets detection with PRdr, km
up to 450
Maximum coverage zone of the DEORdr, km
Maximum number of tracked targets:
with ARdr
with PRdr in detection mode
with PRdr in TD data generation mode
Maximum number of targets processed by DEORdr