Advanced Russian aircraft at Farnborough
11.07.2014 Press release

At the 2014 Farnborough International Airshow, to be held in Farnborough, UK, July 14-20, Rosoboronexport (part of Rostec State Corporation) will present Russian aircraft that are in demand on the global market.

“We traditionally participate in this prestigious air show and try to present the latest products and the most promising export models here. Presentations of combat helicopters and airplanes for delegations from the Middle East, Latin American and Southeast Asian countries have been scheduled. We also plan to emphasize technology and industrial cooperation with our European partners,”- said Sergey Kornev, Head of Rosoboronexport’s Air Force Equipment Export Department, who leads the company’s delegation at the exhibition.

Rosoboronexport expects keen interest from foreign delegations in the super-agile Su-35 multi-role fighter, MiG-29M/M2 multifunctional frontline fighters, Yak-130 combat training aircraft, Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft, Mi-35M, Mi-28NE and Ka-52 attack helicopters, aircraft weapons.

Talks to be held with leading European manufacturers will involve such issues as R&D activities carried out by Russian organizations, joint projects on the international market on behalf of third countries, as well as the prospects for further expanding ties and strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation.

Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of the Rostec Corporation, is the sole state-owned arms trade company in the Russian Federation authorized to export the full range of military and dual-purpose products, technologies and services. Rosoboronexport is one of the leading world arms exporters to the international market. Its share in Russia's military exports exceeds 80 percent. Rosoboronexport cooperates with more than 700 enterprises and organizations in the Russian defence industrial complex. Russia maintains military technical cooperation with more than 70 countries around the world.

ROSTEKHNOLOGII STATE CORPORATION (ROSTEC) is a Russian corporation established in 2007 in order to facilitate the development, manufacturing and export of high-technology industrial products of military and civil purposes. Today it comprises over 663 companies, which form 8 military-industrial and 5 civil industry holdings. Rostec’s subsidiaries are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply their products to over 70 countries worldwide. In 2013 revenues of the Corporation amounted to RUB 1,04 trillion, net profits were RUB 40 billion and total taxation exceeded RUB 138 billion.