Rosoboronexport ready to supply Peru with a mobile service center for maintaining Mi-8/17 series helicopters
08.02.2016 Press release

Rosoboronexport, part of the Rostec State Corporation, is ready to supply Peru with a mobile service center to provide high-quality and timely maintenance of Mi-8/17 series helicopters, including the Mi-171SHs whose delivery was completed in December 2015.

“These helicopters were purchased in full compliance with the law. They are fully operational and equipped with the high-tech equipment and therefore can effectively perform assigned tasks,” Peruvian Defense Minister Jakke Valakivi Álvarez noted in a letter addressed to a Peruvian media which had circulated false information about the quality of Russian helicopters.

As part of the offset agreement under the contract, a fixed service center is also to be built in the customer’s territory. Currently, the parties are actively working on the project. At the same time, to maintain high operational readiness of the delivered helicopters, Rosoboronexport has offered the Peruvian side to purchase a mobile service center as an interim alternative, which later can be used in remote and hard-to-reach areas and will provide significant savings.

“All the supplied Mi-171SH helicopters have been intensely used by the Peruvian Army; in particular, they have been successfully employed in operations against terrorists and drug cartels. The Peruvian military officials are very satisfied with the high performance of the helicopters and their quality, as they have repeatedly told both the Russian specialists and national and international media at different levels. Both sides are interested in the successful operation of these aircraft, so Rosoboronexport has offered to promptly deliver a mobile service center for an interim period before the fixed center becomes fully operational. This will ensure uninterrupted high-quality equipment maintenance,” said Rosoboronexport Director General Anatoly Isaykin.

Russian helicopters have been successfully used in many countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Peru. Rosoboronexport aims to expand the geography of sales of Russian helicopters in the region as well as develop an effective customer service system.
