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Methods of countering unfair competition have been discussed at Rosoboronexport

A meeting of the Economic and Information Security Section of Rosoboronexport’s Science and Technology Council (STC) has been held at the Company to discuss the issues of combating unfair competition in the sphere of military-technical cooperation (MTC), including the supply of counterfeit spare parts and materiel ...

Modified: 09.12.2015
Path: Press service
Speech by Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaykin

Speech by Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaykin at a press conference on 15th anniversary of the company Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! It’s nice to see many familiar faces here. It’s true we usually meet at public events such as exhibitions and conferences....

Modified: 27.10.2015
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport will launch the Spanish PAZ satellite

On August 27 at the MAKS 2015 International Aerospace Show, Rosoboronexport has signed a contract with HISDESAT Servicios Estratégicos SA, a Spanish satellite service company, to launch the PAZ spacecraft in 2015 On August 27 at the MAKS 2015 International Aerospace Show, Rosoboronexport, part to the Rostec ...

Modified: 27.08.2015
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport will hold Russia’s leading positions on the global arms market in the aerospace sector

At the MAKS 2015 International Moscow Aerospace Show, which will be held from 25 to 30 August 2015 in Zhukovsky (Moscow region), Russia’s special exporter Rosoboronexport, part of the Rostec State Corporation, will hold talks with its foreign partners on the prospects for delivering aircraft and air defense systems and establishing customer service At the MAKS 2015 International Moscow Aerospace Show,...

Modified: 25.08.2015
Path: Press service
Meeting of the section Engineering and Land Forces Armament Research and Technology Council

Scientific and Technical Council of the Rosoboronexport The meeting of the section "Machinery and Land Forces Armament" Scientific and Technical Council of "Rosoboronexport"

Modified: 10.06.2015
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport restored WWII bombers

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, Rosoboronexport has assisted the Central Air Force Museum (settlement Monino, Moscow region) in the restoration of six WWII aircraft To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, Rosoboronexport, part of the ...

Modified: 29.04.2015
Path: Press service
Restoration of the memorial Sapun Mountain

Rosoboronexport helped memorial Sapun Mountain for reconstruction Rosoboronexport has helped the memorial complex "Sapun Mountain" in conducting large-scale restoration work

Modified: 22.04.2015
Path: Press service
Competition Golden Idea - 2014

Employees Rosoboronexport won the contest Golden Idea Employees Rosoboronexport won the contest Golden Idea

Modified: 16.12.2014
Path: Press service
Scientific and Technical Council

Meeting of the section Equipment and arms of land forces of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosoboronexport Meeting of the section Equipment and arms of land forces of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosoboronexport

Modified: 26.11.2014
Path: Press service
Agreement on cooperation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and signed by Rosoboronexport signed an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of realization of military-technical and military-deyatelnostirealizatsii foreign technology and foreign trade activity Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and of "Rosoboronexport" ...

Modified: 21.10.2014
Path: Press service
Discussion of information security issues within the MTC

Rosoboronexport discussed the issues of information security within the MTC

Modified: 17.04.2014
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport, Aviakor and Elettronica enter into cooperation

On December 18th, 2013 Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, Aviakor aircraft plant, a subsidiary of the Russian Machines Corporation, and Italian company Elettronica S.p.A. signed a set of agreements on cooperation in equipping the An-140 type aircraft ...

Modified: 18.12.2013
Path: Press service
Comment on the Reuter's request

Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaykin Is Rosoboronexport aware of any US investigation, and has it been contacted by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction or other US agencies? Anatoly Isaykin : We have learned from the Russian and ...

Modified: 27.11.2013
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport turns 13

Thirteen years ago, on November 4, 2000, the Rosoboronexport Federal State Unitary Enterprise – the sole state intermediary agency responsible for export/import of defense-related products – was set up through the merger of two previous state arms exporters, Rosvooruzhenie and Promexport, within ...

Modified: 01.11.2013
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport at MAKS-2013: talks with partners from 40 countries

Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation, will hold talks with more than 60 delegations from 40 countries coming to the international aerospace exhibition to be held in Zhukovsky from 27th August to 1st September 2013 Rosoboronexport,...

Modified: 26.08.2013
Path: Press service
Russian anti-terror systems at the exhibition Integrated safety and security 2013

JSC Rosoboronexport, a subsidary of the Rostec State Corporation, will present over 100 samples of advanced Russian-made special, military and dual purpose systems at the international exhibition Integrated Safety and Security 2013 taking place in Moscow ...

Modified: 20.05.2013
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport summarized the results for 2012

Rosoboronexport summarized the results for 2012 February 13, 2013 at the Press Centre Russian Foreign Ministry held a press conference General Director of "Rosoboronexport" Anatoly Isaykina, during which they summed up the activities of a ...

Modified: 02.02.2013
Path: Press service
Press conference of the Russian Hockey Federation

Rosoboronexport took part in the press conference, the Russian Hockey Federation Rosoboronexport took part in the press conference, the Russian Hockey Federation

Modified: 16.12.2012
Path: Press service
Mi-26T2 and Il-78MK-90 will continue to fight for indian order

Rosoboronexport expects to win the Indian Air Force tenders on the delivery of heavy-lift transport helicopters and refueller aircraft in which Russia is offering the Mi-26T2 helicopter and Il-78MK-90 aircraft respectively Rosoboronexport expects to ...

Modified: 28.11.2012
Path: Press service
Russia and India set up a joint venture to produce Smerch ROCKET projectiles for Indian Army

On 27th August 2012 in the capital of India, New Delhi, the Rosoboronexport teamed with the JSC Splav Scientific Production Association and the Ordnance Factory Board, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, signed a Memorandum on cooperation in organising production and after-sale servicing of rocket projectiles ...

Modified: 05.09.2012
Path: Press service
Searching results 151 - 171 of 171
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