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Modified: 21.09.2022
Path: Press service
Russian display presented by Rosoboronexport at the SHIELD AFRICA 2017 exhibition was greeted with heightened interest by the African partners

Russian display presented by Rosoboronexport at the SHIELDAFRICA 2017 exhibition was greeted with heightened interest by the African partners More than 30 official delegations and representatives of companies from African countries visited the stand of JSC Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostech State Corporation) ...

Modified: 26.01.2017
Path: Press service
Rosoboronexport to make debut at SHIELD AFRICA 2017 in CÔTE D'IVOIRE

Rosoboronexport to make debut at SHIELD AFRICA 2017 in CÔTE D'IVOIRE JSC Rosoboronexport, part of the Rostec State Corporation, will for the first time arrange its exhibit display at the SHIELD AFRICA 2017 International Security and Defense Exhibition, which will be held on the territory ...

Modified: 24.01.2017
Path: Press service
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