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Indoor simulator The 9F700-2 indoor simulator is designed for simultaneous training of two RPO-A flamethrower operators in firing skills and training to maintain and improve the acquired skills. The simulator: provides learning of the operational employment of the weapon; generates training tasks and training scenarios, depending on the trainee’s level of training; provides training in target detection and aimed fire day and night, in all weather conditions against stationary and moving targets;...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio

Indoor simulator The 9F700-1-E indoor simulator is designed for training the RPG-7V grenade launcher operators or RPO-A flamethrower operators in classroom conditions at training centers, schools, and units of various arms and services of the Armed Forces. The simulator is designed for individual alternate training in the rules of operating and firing the RPO-A flamethrowers and RPG-7V grenade launchers from standing, kneeling, prone positions under various simulated weather conditions, and subsequent...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio

Training set for training in firing small arms and close combat weapons The 1U37 training set is designed for training in firing the following small arms and close combat weapons: 5.45mm AK-74 (AK-74U) assault rifle and its variants; 5.45mm AN-94 Abakan assault rifle; 5.45mm RPK-74 machine gun and its variants; 5.56mm AK-101, AK-102 assault rifles; 5.56mm RPK-201 machine gun; 7.62mm PKMB, PKM machine guns; 7.62mm AK, AKM, AKMS, AK-103, AK-104 assault rifles; 7.62mm SVD sniper rifle and its variants;...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio
Vega-SV No.1

Electronic simulator for small arms and close combat weapons The Vega-SV No.1 electronic simulator is designed for personnel training in firing and fire control within a section (team, crew) in the classroom environment. The electronic simulator provides small arms training of servicemen of foreign customer’s Armed Forces and Special Forces individually and within a unit.

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio

Platoon set of laser firing and destruction simulators The 9F838 platoon set of laser firing and destruction simulators is designed for carrying out bilateral tactical platoon-company level exercises with the total simulation of small arms and close combat weapons fire by laser emitters fixed on organic weapons, with destruction recording by photodetectors placed on soldiers. The 9F838 platoon set of laser firing and destruction simulators helps soldiers develop strong skills to deliver accurate...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio

Indoor simulator The 9F700-1 indoor simulator is designed for simultaneous training of two grenade launcher operators in operating and firing RPG-7V grenade launchers, as well as for subsequent training to maintain and improve the acquired skills. The simulator: generates training scenarios; simulates firing at targets in a background/target environment as part of performing training and control tasks by two trainees at a time; displays the flight of grenades and their bursts, reproduces sounds...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio

Small arms trainer The 1U40 small arms trainer is designed to provide training in firing the AK-74 assault rifle in classroom conditions at training centers, schools, and units of different arms and services of the Armed Forces. The 1U40 trainer helps trainees acquire and develop skills to fire the AK-74 assault rifle. Tasks that are solved in the training process: simulation of firing single shots and series of shots at stationary, moving and emerging targets. The trainer is energized from the...

Modified: 07.04.2017
Path: Directorio
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