Naval systems
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Project 12701 Alexandrit-E
Coastal minesweeper

Covert threats: found and defused

Effective ship with minehunter and minesweeper functions

Highly effective sweeping and search for mines;
Minimal physical field signature;
Control over the ship and a tactical group is highly automated;
Traditional and new methods are used to combat maritime minefields;
Brand new shipbuilding technologies and composite materials are used.

Modern ahead of course mine search and destroy system and sweeps are installed on Alexandrit-E.

The ship is capable of providing effective countermine protection of naval bases, EEZs, ships and vessels on routes, and highly accurate search and destroy of minefields.

Project 12701 as well can carry out countermine reconnaissance.


Alexandrit-ISPUM integrated mine search and destroy system or Alister 9 AUV with K-Ster search and destroy system;

GKT-2 and GOKT-1 deep-water sweeps;

SHAT-U broadband acoustic sweep;

Diez-E automated countermine measures control system;

AK-306 artillery gun mount 30-mm.

Alexandrit-E comprises effective countermine measures means.
Main characteristics
Full displacement, t
Main dimensions (length, beam, draft), m
Maximum speed, kts.
Range, miles
Endurance, days
Seaworthiness, points