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Stationary Vehicle Inspection System Implementation of all scientific and technical solutions for material discrimination Portal relocatable vehicle system with L-shaped detector line and penetrating capacity up to 320 mm in steel for in-line inspection of all types of vehicles including the driver. ► high quality and informative images; ► possibility of scanning the cab of vehicles with driver; ► high throughput of up to 200 vehicles per hour. The system provides high-quality x-ray images...

Modified: 21.05.2024
Path: Catalog

... integrated into mass personal control systems to detect traces of explosives and/or narcotics on fingers. Shelf-TI-r ensures rapid detection of trace amounts of explosives and narcotic substances at various checkpoints (passport and visa control at airports, railway stations, public events, industrial sites and specially protected areas).

Modified: 29.05.2020
Path: Catalog
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